Say Hello to SmartFit™
In 2018, Casca introduced the world’s first custom-fit sneakers. With advanced 3D-printing and smartphone photogrammetry software, our team created SmartFit™, enabling customers to have tailored foot support integrated directly with their shoes. Each custom footbed reflected over 20,000 unique measurements from the user’s feet, offering improved arch support and placement. You can watch my hands peel, twist and bend a hot-of-the-printer SmartFit™™ insole here.
This innovation was inspired by my B.ID thesis project, a modular sandal system with interchangeable and customizable components. Working with the Paris Orthotics lab and a 3rd generation pedorthic technician, I researched foot health, mechanics and best practices for support before developing SmartFit™ with Casca’s internal engineering team.